Password FAQ

I don't understand what features are needed to set a valid password for my account.

These are the features:

  1. minimum characters: 10
  2. types of characters: 4

      These are the 4 types of characters:

  • capital letters (ABC)
  • lowercase letters (abc)
  • numbers (1234)
  • special characters (!?@ -)

      Example of a valid password: Example01?


I forgot my password. How can I recover the password?

Perform the following actions:

1. Click on the link "Forgot your password?"

2. Enter the e-mail address used for registration;

3. Complete the Captcha security field;

4. Click on the "Reset my password" button.

You will receive an e-mail at the address indicated, containing a link with which you will be directed to the new password page.

We also point out that some providers such as do not detect the link contained in the account confirmation and/or password reset e-mail.
To activate the link, simply forward the e-mail to yourself. This way the link will be visible and work.


I tried to recover the password, but the system tells me that my account is blocked due to too many recovery attempts. What does it mean?

For security reasons, after 3 failed password recovery attempts, the systemb blocks any new attempt for 20 minutes.


I tried to recover the password, but I didn't receive the email. How soon can I try again?

For security reasons you will have to wait 20 minutes before asking for password recovery again.


I received the password recovery e-mail, but I read it the next day. Why does it not work?

The linkto recover the password has a duration of 24 hours. You will have to make a new password recovery request.